Weed Department

Franklin County Weed Department

Franklin County Weed Department

561 West Oneida

Preston, ID 83263 


208-852-2812 (fax)

Travis Ashby, Supervisor 

208-339-0788 (cell)

Sid Jensen, Sprayer

Sarah Layland, Deputy Clerk


Franklin SCD 5 Year Plan And Annual Work Plan 2015 (PDF)

Idaho Agriculture Noxious Weeds Website

Idaho’s Noxious Weeds handbook by U of I Extension (PDF)

State of Idaho Noxious Weed list

Noxious Weeds are YOUR Concern

There are very few areas of Franklin County that are free from the debilitating effects of noxious weed infestations. Our beautiful forests, pastures and meadows have become home to weeds such as these pictured on the 57 weeds listed on the State of Idaho Noxious Weed list

What is a noxious weed?

In brief, these plants are not native to Idaho, are very invasive, and are harmful to humans, animals, the environment or economy. In a short time, these weeds will crowd out native and beneficial plants. Their presence affects everyone by decreasing property values, loss of livestock or wildlife grazing lands or actual health risks.

Idaho law requires landowners to control noxious weeds on their properties. The Franklin County Weed Control Department is available to assist you in your efforts by offering a number of services. Please give us a call at 208-852-0653 for weed identification and advice on spraying.

Idaho Noxious Weed Law

TITLE 22, CHAPTER 24, Idaho Code 22-2407


(1) It shall be the duty and responsibility of all landowners to control noxious weeds on their land and property, in accordance with this chapter and with rules promulgated by the director.

(2) The cost of controlling noxious weeds shall be the obligation of the landowner.

(3) Noxious weed control must be for prevention, eradication, rehabilitation, control or containment efforts. However, areas may be modified from the eradication requirement if the landowner is a participant in a county-approved weed management plan or county-approved cooperative weed management area.

(4) The landowner shall reimburse the county control authority for work done because of failure to comply with a five (5) day notice, as outlined in section 22-2405, Idaho Code.

(5) If an article is infested with noxious weeds, it shall not be moved from designated premises until it is treated in accordance with the applicable rules, or in accordance with the written permission of a control authority.

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Dyers Woad Noxious Weeds in Franklin County Idaho
Leafy Spurge Noxious Weeds in Franklin County Idaho
Scotch Thistle
Spotted Knapweed
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